Unit 1: Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Unit 2: Java Basics
- History or Genesis of Java
- Evolution of Java
- Java Features or Java Buzzwords
- Variables in Java
- Data Types in Java
- Type Conversion and Casting in Java
- Arrays in Java
- Operators in Java
- Control statements in Java
- Classes and Objects
- Methods in Java
- Constructors
- this keyword in Java
- Garbage Collection
- Overloading in Java
- Parameter Passing Techniques
- Recursion
- Access control in Java
- static keyword in Java
- final keyword in Java
- String handling in Java
- Inhertance in Java
- Types of inheritance in Java
- super keyword in Java
- Constructor Invocation Sequence
- Method overriding in Java
- Dynamic method dispatch
- abstract classes and methods in Java
- final keyword in Java
- Object class in Java
- Substitutability, Subtype and Subclass
Unit 5: Exception Handling and MultiThreading
- Exception Handling in Java
- Types of Exceptions
- Using exception handling keywords
- User defined exceptions
- Threading Basics
- Thread Life Cycle
- Creating threads in Java
- Using isAlive() and join() methods
- Thread Priorities
- Thread synchronization in Java
- Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads
- Daemon Threads
- Thread Groups in Java
- Applets Basics
- Creating and executing applets
- Executing Applets
- Types of Applets
- Passing Parameters to Applet
- Applet to Applet Communication
- Applet Tag
- Other Methods in Applets
- Event Handling Basics
- Delegation Event Model
- Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events
- Adapter Classes
- Inner Classes and Anonymous Classes
- AWT Hierarchy
- User Interface Components
- Layouts and Layout Managers in Java
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